Talks are 1 hour, breaks are not listed.
Conference | Live Schedule | Talks | Get your ticket | Slides | Set your timezone
Day 1 (Timetable) | Day 2 (Timetable) | Day 3 (Timetable)
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The Schedule for Meeting C++ 2024
Day 1 - Thursday, 14th November
Track A - hybrid

Track A - hybrid

Track A - hybrid

Starts at 13:15
Track B - hybrid
Track C - hybrid
Track D - online

Starts at 13:15
Track A - hybrid
Track B - hybrid
Track C - hybrid
Track D - online
Track A - hybrid

Starts at 16:00
Track B - hybrid

Starts at 16:00
Track C - hybrid

Starts at 16:00
Track D - online

Starts at 16:00
Track A - hybrid

Starts at 17:15
Track B - hybrid

Starts at 17:15
Track C - hybrid

Starts at 17:15
Track D - online
Timetable (CET) [Set your timezone]
9:30:00 - Track A (Saphir) - Jens Weller: Welcome Message
10:00:00 - Track A (Saphir) - Titus Winters: Opening Keynote
13:15:00 - Track A (Saphir) - Andreas Weis: C++ Modules - Getting Started Today
13:15:00 - Track B (Opal) - Klaus Iglberger: Design Patterns - The Most Common Misconceptions (2 of N)
13:15:00 - Track C (Jade) - Ignas Bagdonas: Performance engineering - being friendly to your hardware
13:15:00 - Track D (online) - Michael Shah: [canceled] An Introduction to Vulkan and C++
14:30:00 - Track A (Saphir) - Roth Michaels: Templates made easy with C++20: how constexpr/constexpr, fold expressions, and concepts change how we write code
14:30:00 - Track B (Opal) - Philipp Dominik Schubert: The Notorious B.U.G. - The Most Popular Bugs and Code Smells in C and C++
14:30:00 - Track C (Jade) - Greg Law: How to debug Linux multi-threaded code, including race conditions
14:30:00 - Track D (online) - Gabriel Valenzuela: From C to Modern C++: Transforming the classroom and beyond
16:00:00 - Track A (Saphir) - Bryce Adelstein Lelbach: The C++ Execution Model
16:00:00 - Track B (Opal) - Guy Davidson: Portable floating-point calculations
16:00:00 - Track C (Jade) - Goran Aranđelović: Introduction to Sender/Receiver framework
16:00:00 - Track D (online) - Nikolaj Fogh: Writing VSCode extensions for fun an profit
17:15:00 - Track A (Saphir) - Klaus Iglberger: There is no Silver Bullet
17:15:00 - Track B (Opal) - Sebastian Theophil: Classes C++23 style
17:15:00 - Track C (Jade) - Nevin Liber: The Many Variants of std::variant
17:15:00 - Track D (online) - Fernando Iglesias: Python's asyncio in C++ for Terminal Graphics
Day 2 - Friday, 15th November
Track A - hybrid

Track A - hybrid

Track A - hybrid
Track B - hybrid
Track C - hybrid

Starts at 13:15
Track D - online

Starts at 13:15
Track A - hybrid
Track B - hybrid
Starts at 14:30
Track C - hybrid

Starts at 14:30
Track D - online

Starts at 14:30
Track A - hybrid
Track B - hybrid
Track C - hybrid

Starts at 16:00
Track D - online
Track A - hybrid
Track B - hybrid
Track C - hybrid
Track D - online
Track A - hybrid

Timetable (CET) [Set your timezone]
10:00:00 - Track A (Saphir) - Jens Weller: Good Morning Meeting C++
10:30:00 - Track A (Saphir) - Hana Dusíková: Center Keynote - my favorite data structures
13:15:00 - Track A (Saphir) - Boguslaw Cyganek: Pipeline architectures in C++: overloaded pipe operator |, std::expected and its monadic operations
13:15:00 - Track B (Opal) - Olivia Quinet: Applied modern c++ : beyond type-erasure and visitor design patterns
13:15:00 - Track C (Jade) - Steve Love: Testable By Design
13:15:00 - Track D (online) - Jens Weller: Thread pool elements
14:30:00 - Track A (Saphir) - Nicolai Josuttis: C++ Concepts: What you should know and how to use them right
14:30:00 - Track B (Opal) - David Olsen: C++ Reflection: Back on Track
14:30:00 - Track C (Jade) - Kate Gregory: The Aging Programmer
14:30:00 - Track D (online) - Abhilash Majumder: Parallel Algorithms, Ranges and oneDPL
16:00:00 - Track A (Saphir) - Peter Muldoon: Software Engineering Completeness (Part 1) : Knowing when you are Done and Why it matters ?
16:00:00 - Track B (Opal) - Louis Dionne: Security in C++: Hardening techniques from the trenches
16:00:00 - Track C (Jade) - Jana Machutová: Stories from a parallel universe
16:00:00 - Track D (online) - Mike Crowe: Customising clang-tidy to modernise your legacy C++ code
17:15:00 - Track A (Saphir) - Jonathan Müller: An (In-)Complete Guide to C++ Object Lifetimes
17:15:00 - Track B (Opal) - Nico Heidtke: Growing Pains - Lessons from Seeing Codebases Mature
17:15:00 - Track C (Jade) - David Sankel: The Beman Project: Bringing Standard Libraries to the Next Level
17:15:00 - Track D (online) - Miloš Anđelković: What is a static function, but isn't a static function?
20:00:00 - Track A (Saphir) - Herb Sutter: Peering forward — C++’s next decade
Day 3 - Saturday, 16th November
Track A - hybrid

Starts at 9:00
Track B - hybrid
Track C - hybrid

Starts at 9:00
Track D - online

Starts at 9:00
Track A - hybrid

Starts at 10:20
Track B - hybrid
Track C - hybrid

Starts at 10:20
Track D - online

Starts at 10:20
Track A - hybrid

Starts at 11:40
Track B - hybrid

Starts at 11:40
Track C - hybrid

Starts at 11:40
Track D - online

Starts at 11:40
Track A - hybrid

Track A - hybrid

Timetable (CET) [Set your timezone]
9:00:00 - Track A (Saphir) - Sandor Dargo: Clean code! Horrible performance?
9:00:00 - Track B (Opal) - Kevin Carpenter: Mastering Memory Management in C++ - Custom Allocators
9:00:00 - Track C (Jade) - Kerstin Keller: Clean CMake for C++ (library) developers
9:00:00 - Track D (online) - Rainer Grimm: An overview on the C++26 highlights
10:20:00 - Track A (Saphir) - Andreas Fertig: Fast and small C++ - When efficiency matters
10:20:00 - Track B (Opal) - Arne Mertz: Core and other guidelines. The good, the bad, the... questionable?
10:20:00 - Track C (Jade) - Frances Buontempo: An introduction to swarm intelligence algos
10:20:00 - Track D (online) - Slobodan Dmitrovic: C++ for C Developers
11:40:00 - Track A (Saphir) - Timur Doumler: Contracts for C++
11:40:00 - Track B (Opal) - Victor Ciura: Symmetry in Code - Should We Care?
11:40:00 - Track C (Jade) - Daniela Engert: Not getting lost in translations
11:40:00 - Track D (online) - Jens Weller: A tour through the Meeting C++ community survey
14:00:00 - Track A (Saphir) - Jens Weller: Meeting C++ update
16:00:00 - Track A (Saphir) - Peter Sommerlad: Collective Amnesia?