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Peter Sommerlad

Collective Amnesia?

Peter Sommerlad is independent trainer and consultant on software engineering and safer, modern C++. Before he was professor and director of IFS Institute for Software at FHO/HSR Rapperswil, Switzerland for 15 years until 2020. Peter is co-author of the books POSA Vol.1 and Security Patterns and contributed to "97 things every programmer should know". Peter contributed to the AUTOSAR Adaptive C++ safety guidelines and to MISRA-C++:2023 as well as a member of ISO SC22 WG23 to the C++ programming languages vulnerabilities standard.  Since C++11 every C++ standard got slightly influenced by Peter's contributions, he is especially proud of having also contributed to the C23 standard on a language he abandoned in favor of C++ in the early 1990s. Peter is a member of Hillside, ACM, IEEE Computer Society, and ISO SC22 WG21 and WG23 standardization committee.

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