Taming the power of C++ with AI

published at 01.04.2021 09:56 by Jens Weller
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In January Bryce Adelstein Lelbach gave a talk about NDVIDIAS CUDASTL fork at my online C++ User Group. Shortly after this talk was published on YouTube I got contacted by a start up, seeking feedback on their ideas of accelerating C++ with help of GPUs and AI.

Job related results from the Meeting C++ community survey

published at 11.03.2021 16:11 by Jens Weller
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I started a blog series about the results for 2020 of the Meeting C++ Community survey. As next week is the second online C++ Job fair, I thought I take a look at the job related questions.

The Meeting C++ Community Survey results for 2020

published at 25.02.2021 13:57 by Jens Weller
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At the start of 2020 Meeting C++ launched a continuous survey for the C++ community. In this post I will look at some of the results of the first year of running this survey.

Is your if an object state?

published at 11.11.2020 08:48 by Jens Weller
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So as I was writing my code for my current project, I had this function where a bunch of ifs queried certain properties to decide what version of the code should apply to the element handed to that function.

My thoughts on "The... Community"

published at 27.10.2020 19:11 by Jens Weller
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At the beginning of October JeanHeyd Meneide (aka ThePHD) published a video about his negative experiences in the C++ community and some general data on diversity in tech. As I said on a recent CppCast, I'd like to offer my own thoughts on these issues.

Using C++17: std::variant for static polymorphism

published at 11.10.2020 16:41 by Jens Weller
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A few weeks ago I wrote about some code I was refactoring from single to multiple purpose. This is the second part looking at how to utilize C++17 for this.

Attending the virtual CppCon 2020

published at 22.09.2020 12:04 by Jens Weller
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Here is my virtual trip report about attending CppCon 2020 in remo. Thanks to all volunteers, speakers and attendees of this years virtual edition for making this event possible.

Refactoring from single to multi purpose

published at 16.09.2020 09:38 by Jens Weller
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For the second time this year I'm refactoring a program from a single purpose to have two or more modes of operation. Both times the start and end result is similar, just the processing is different. A classic case of using polymorphism.

Clazy - better C++ tooling for Qt best practices

published at 03.09.2020 16:38 by Frances Tait
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Clazy is a Clang plugin which extends the compiler with over 50 warnings related to Qt best practices ranging from unneeded memory allocations to API misuse. It’s an opensource project spawned by KDAB’s R&D efforts for better C++ tooling.

8 years of Meeting C++

published at 14.07.2020 15:49 by Jens Weller
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In 2012 Meeting C++ got started in July. Planned first to be a one off conference, now it is a successfull international conference and a platform for C++ on the internet.

Coronavirus, COVID19 and the C++ Community

published at 27.03.2020 10:44 by Jens Weller
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As this crisis unfolds, some word on how this impacts our own community, the C++ world.

C++ in 2020

published at 30.01.2020 14:19 by Jens Weller
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Now where the year is a few weeks old, lets see whats ahead for C++ in 2020!

Fire & Forget HTTP Requests in Qt

published at 05.07.2019 14:42 by Jens Weller
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I've spend the past year often working with PHP instead of C++. And now its time to connect some of these systems with the C++ Backend that powers the conference it self.

"Lets quickly fix this crash"

published at 09.08.2018 20:08 by Jens Weller
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A specific action causes one of my applications to crash. And so far I've just ignored it, as its not something that hinders daily use. But as I mostly get to work with code written by my self, no body else to blame or fix it. So yesterday I thought - ok - lets quickly fix this. After all I had the IDE already open...

TIL: inheriting constructors, default parameters and enable_if

published at 26.04.2018 23:11 by Jens Weller
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... might not mix that well. And its an interesting language detail causing it.

Thoughts on my recent Experiment with Qt & Templates

published at 12.04.2018 23:41 by Jens Weller
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So in March of this year I did play around with two libraries in Qt and boost, to test out some ideas. This post is about ideas and problems I'm currently thinking about.

A simple EditDialog template

published at 29.03.2018 15:32 by Jens Weller
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So far I covered the basics for connecting boost fusion adapted structs with Qts Model/View architecture. Today is the next step: a simple dialog for editing a single instance of such a fusion enabled type.

Accessing a fusion sequence with a run time defined index

published at 24.03.2018 23:05
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Lets say you have a compile type defined type, like a tuple or a fusion sequence. And its easy to access, just call get<Index>(variable) and you get the reference to the types run time instance in the index. Easy. But for this you need to know which index to call at compile time. What if you get that index only at runtime? Like in the previously mentioned Model/View Interface of Qt?

Implementing a QTableModel for displaying fusion adapted structs

published at 22.03.2018 22:38
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More TMP with boost::mp11

published at 20.03.2018 23:05
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A short blog post on 3 little functions I've written with mp11, to show a bit more how one can work with mp11. The first two are related to working with tags, the last is an easy way to get the member names of a fusion adpated struct into an std::array.