Meeting C++ survey results: C++ Tooling

published at 15.04.2021 18:33 by Jens Weller
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Today I continue my little series on the results of the Meeting C++ Community Survey for 2020, focusing on C++ Tooling as next weeks Tuesday will feature the first online C++ tool fair.

The tool fair will give the C++ community a place to come together and learn more about tools and their use with C++. During the event you can see tool demos and ask questions to the tool vendors. Currently Compiler Explorer, C++ insights, Quick Bench,, POCO, CppDepend and H5CPP are attending! Join the meetup event to get the event link or visit on Tuesday evening (20-22:00 CEST).

But back to the survey and the tooling related questions. I've decided to present the questions in a view showing the results of 2020 and the on going survey for 2021. This way some of the subtle changes will be visible to you. Lets start with the one tooling all of us use: the compiler. Which compiler are you using?


I don't have a question on compiler version(s) yet, but might add this later to the survey. But likely would have to add this question for each of the 3 compilers.

Related to compilers are sanitizers, they've been around for a while. But does the C++ community also use them?


Another popular topic has been package managers. Though it seems they still need a bit of adoption in the C++ community.


And when talking about tools, the IDE is the daily work horse of most devs. The survey gives two questions for this: which IDEs do you use and what is your favorite one? The first is multiple choice, the second single choice.



One general thing I've noticed in the 2021 results so far, is that there is a drop in answers for Qt. I think that this is only temporary, just showing that for now less folks from the Qt community have taken the survey in 2021. A reason for this could also be the increase of folks participating out of Asia and North America.

And lets not forget that its the build system what connects the IDE with the compiler, again with the usage and favorite question.



And thats it for tooling. Still many insights to take away from the survey, I'll be giving a talk about the survey at C++now. Take the survey now to contribute to its results!


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