Welcoming the first Gold sponsor: Undo

published at 09.08.2022 15:34 by Jens Weller
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I'm happy to announce the first gold sponsor for this years conference: Undo.


Undo is a well known company in the field of tooling for C++. Undo provides tooling that helps you debug your systems, in a form of time travel debugging. This allows you to see a bug live in your code. You can not only go forward in their debugger, you are able to go backwards or replay a part (or all) of your debug session. Undo will also give a talk on using GDB effectivly at the conference.

Undo will be present with a booth on site in Berlin!

They are also interested in community feedback on some of their newest innovations, and hence will be attending the next book & toolfair and are sponsoring the next Meeting C++ online meetup in September!

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