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Meeting C++ online

Meeting C++ online is a series of virtual events organized for the C++ community. It is a new online community that meets face to face online by providing a set of online events.

Hubilo is used for hosting virtual events.

Information about sponsoring an evening at Meeting C++ online

Meeting C++ online is hosted under the Berlin Code of Conduct

Next Meeting C++ online user group

September - POCO libraries and IoT with Günter Obiltschnig

This event is sponsored by POCO! Join Günter Obiltschnig, founder of the POCO C++ Libraries and , and discover how to:

• Craft modular, extensible IoT applications that evolve with your needs.
• Seamlessly integrate rich web interfaces for intuitive device management.
• Combine C++ and JavaScript for most efficient Linux-based device software development.
• Get the most out of your development with a framework for edge devices that supports sensors, devices, protocols, and cloud services.
• Real-world examples of POCO C++ Libraries and in cars, drones, green energy and industrial manufacturing.

Last event

Coroutines with Andreas Fertig

Date: 04. April 2024

C++20’s Coroutines for Beginners

You've heard about this new feature in C++20, coroutines, but it's the first time you have encountered this term? Then this talk is what you're looking for. We start from the beginning with just "normal" functions. Next, we introduce coroutines.

Using them, we explore the various customization points C++ offers. We look at what the new keywords co_await, co_yield, and co_return are for.

Sadly, we also have to talk about how to write a generator for a coroutine since there is no STL part for that in C++20.

Another distinction we make is between cooperative and preemptive multitasking, opening the door for another beauty of coroutines: why we don't need locks.

By the end of this talk, you've learned what coroutines are and where you can use them.

Meeting C++ online job fair on 01. October 2024

Employers: reserve your spot at the event | Share your CV through the Meeting C++ CV upload form with the C++ employers below

Tuesday event (afternoon Europe / morning America / evening Asia)

Wednesday event (evening Europe / noon America / night Asia)

Online C++ tool & book fair

On the evening of May 16th Meeting C++ hosts an online tool fair. Come to talk and ask questions to various tool vendors or book authors, watch demos and exchange with other attendees from the C++ community.

Reserve a vendor table for the event | Join the event via meetup

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