Reaching out for new speakers at Meeting C++ 2017

published at 10.05.2017 11:22 by Jens Weller
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Maybe you can help in an ongoing effort for the C++ Community...

There is an ongoing effort, to ensure that everyone feels welcome at our C++ events, Chandler Carruth recently blogged about Conferences and Inclusion. A diverse group of attendees and organizers of the C++ Community is involved in this work, last year there was a very nice discussion on diversity it self during the lounge track of Meeting C++ 2016. This got me thinking, with this years conference having an extra day, where do we find all the new and exciting speakers for Meeting C++ 2017?

From the 13 submissions, there is already a good mix of former and new speakers that have submitted. But its not enough, so I've started to reach out to the new and unknown folks in our and other communities, like VR/AR, gaming and others. To ask, if they'd like to submit a talk to this years Meeting C++. I'll continue to do this at next weeks C++Now, but maybe this also something where you can help with the out reach. Do you know a talented person, which could give a talk about an interesting topic related to C++? Ask them to think about a submission until June 8th! More details in the Call for Talks.

The selection from the submitted talks will be - like in the last years - done through a voting by this years and former attendees and speakers of Meeting C++. Only former speakers and my staff will see the name and bio of the speaker, for the rest the focus is on the submitted talk.

While early bird tickets are already available, the registration for student and accessibility tickets will open in June!

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