Call for Talks for Meeting C++ 2017

published at 12.04.2017 16:09 by Jens Weller
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You have until June 1st to submit your talk to this years Meeting C++ conference! Like last week announced, this years conference is from the 9th until the 11th November. You can submit your talk here, this will also generate an edit token for you, so that you are able to edit your submission until the deadline on June 1st.

With the conference spannign 3 days instead of two, but only having 4 instead of 5 tracks, the confernce needs a few more talks, but not much then in the last year. Sessions will be 60 minutes, with maybe one or two 90 minute blocks. That depends of course also on the submissions. Talks related to C++ are welcome from all fields and speakers.

No Themetrack

I have decided to not continue the yearly theme track, already in the last years it often lacked competition and with one track less this year, its probably better to have a 2nd general track. None the less if enough talks from a certain field are submitted, it might make sense to put them all in one track...

But I would especially like to invite people who haven't given talks yet, to submit a talk they'd like to give. It would be interesting to hear new voices about the same or different topics, to see new opinions on the wide field that C++ has become.

Your submission

The form asks for a little bit of data, for your talk its the title, description and outline are most important. The title should be kept short, it should not be a sentence. Abbriviations are fine, especially if they are well known in the field. The description should be 2-3 paragraphs, which tells the attendees what you are talking about. Short and informative. The outline is mostly for the review, its not going to be visible later on the webpage, its just an overview on what you want to cover. As there is a lot of time between the submission and the conference, no one expects you to have a finished talk before submission, matter of fact most of us speakers still write and improve their talks until the last minute. But this gives the reviewers an important feel on what you'd like to cover. A list of bullet points mostly works best. The bio is the few words you'd like us to know about yourself. As mentioned, you are able to edit your submission until June 1st!

The conference will cover your hotel stay in the Andels Hotel from Wednesday - Saturday. Potential speakers should take a look at the speaking guidelines, also the conference runs under the Berlin Code of Conduct!

Voting & Decisions

What happens after the deadline? The voting starts a few days later, once I'm able to setup and test the software for this.

Unlike other conferences, Meeting C++ has no real dedicated program committee, all attendees of the past, plus those who already have bought a ticket are included in this voting. Last year 165 people voted on the submitted talks, each vote is between 0 - 5 points per talk. Visible in the voting tool are usually only the talk info (title, description, outline), former speakers and staff members are able to see also the speaker name and bio. More details on this once the voting begins.

Final decision is then made once the voting deadline has passed.



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