Organizing the first Meeting C++ online tool fair on April 20th!
published at 06.04.2021 09:52 by Jens Weller
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On the evening of April 20th you'll be able to see demos, meet and chat with different C++ tool vendors at the online C++ tool fair!
Meeting C++ is offering with this a new format to learn about C++ tooling, as a fair you can freely move around and chat with various tool vendors about what advantages their tools offer for C++! In format this event will be similar to the online C++ job fair in March, the event will either be hosted in wonder or remo. The job fair also will return in May.
Currently present at the fair
- Compiler Explorer with Matt Godbolt
- C++ insights with Andreas Fertig
- Quick Bench with Fred Tingaud
- and the Poco project with Günter Obiltschnig
More Tool vendors likely will join later.
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