Lightning talks and 2 years of Meeting C++ online

published at 25.08.2022 14:20 by Jens Weller
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Next week Meeting C++ online will host its first lightning talk session to celebrate its 2 year anniversary!

There are still some open spots, so if you want to submit your lightning talk, you still can! But yesterdays deadline already has given us enough talks to fill one hour easily. So join the event if you have time to attend next week wednesday!

Celebrating Meeting C++ online

Its now 2 years that Meeting C++ offers also regular online content in the form of talks and fairs mostly. In total we have hosted 45 events in the user group, with 6 more events already coming up in September.

While talks offer traditional content in the form of a presentation, the fairs leverage the power of an online platform to offer various parallel sessions on various tables. The book & tool fair offers a way to meet with tool vendors and book authors, and have a conversation with them. Similar the online job fair offers C++ employers to connect with an interested audience in the setting of an online event. The fairs were born out of the thought how to utelize the tables present in remo, and today use the more advanced lounge feature in hubilo.

One day later I'm trying something old in a new setting: hosting a general open community planning session, so that folks wanting to organize things can join and have a conversation with experienced community organizers.

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