A first schedule for Meeting C++ 2024

published at 28.08.2024 14:45 by Jens Weller
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There is now a first schedule version for Meeting C++ 2024 available!

Currently the schedule reflects mostly the onsite conference, the online track is still coming together. Also there is some work left, for now it gives you a great impression on how the conference will take place.

Since mid August the accepted talks have been online, last week I've added the keynotes to complete this part of the schedule.

For the online track, I'll reach out to a few speakers to see if they'd like to have their talks placed in the track. Other speakers already told me that they have an interest in speaking online, but for now I've not made a final decision on how to fill this track up best.

The linked version is the live schedule, which comes from the database. Meeting C++ has a static website, and part of this is that each conference is also available via this static website. I'll be working on this as soon as more talks are accepted for the online track. The static schedule is then also what stays, while the above linked schedule will always be the current one. Another important difference is that the static schedule includes breaks, which is important for running the conference, for attendees the talks are more interesting.

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