More Videos are online!

published at 16.12.2016 18:50 by Jens Weller
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With today, almost all videos from the A and all videos of the D Track are online. There is a recording issue with one talk in the A track, which might get resolved in 2017. Also since today, the Meeting C++ YouTube channel has more then 400k views!

The full video set you can find in the Meeting C++ 2016 Playlist, the newest videos are easily found by visiting the Meeting C++ YouTube channel or subscribing to this RSS feed. A few more videos will be online in the next days, with the rest coming in January/February of 2017.

Meeting C++ live

Also I plan to stream a short test on sunday (~16:00 CET), mostly recaping the year and Meeting C++ 2016. More or less Episode 0 of Meeting C++ live, a video format I plan to start in 2017!

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