Announcing this years Meeting C++ Workshop Day!

published at 03.05.2016 13:54 by Jens Weller
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Just like last year, there is a workshop day in front of Meeting C++ (its the 17th November), where two workshops are offered:

Both, Boris and Rainer are longtime C++ Fellows, have written a book on C++ and given talks about the topics of the workshops at various conferences. A change from last year is that the focus of the workshops is more on hands on, 3 x 90 minutes will be core part of the workshop. It is the plan to end the workshop again with a last 90 Minute Session on the topic, which will be announced later.


Tickets are available in the ticketshop on the workshop page. Each workshop is 499 €, attendees of Meeting C++ 2016 can receive a 50 € discount code*. Payment per invoice is also possible, please contact me for this directly.

Part of the deal also is to support the work of Boris and Rainer, which both are heavily involved in creating C++ content through their blogs and websites. 100 € of each workshop ticket will be paid out to Boris or Rainer, the rest is again going to add funding for the party on friday!

*please contact me for this directly, before you buy the ticket.

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