A new gold sponsor: NumScale

published at 13.09.2016 10:27 by Jens Weller
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With numscale another new sponsor joins Meeting C++ in this year for the first time!


For this sponsoring I have to thank Joel Falcou, friend and long time supporter of Meeting C++, for arranging this sponsoring. Numscale provides software programming tools - like bSIMD - and expertise to bring together state-of-the-art algorithms, in-depth knowledge of modern CPU architectures and advanced programming techniques. Based on modern C++ design, our tools focus on simplicity of use, runtime performances and code sustainability to unlock the highest software performance for your business.

And in their own words:

C++ is the primal root of numscale and the strength of our solutions come from this simple fact. Sponsoring Meeting C++, the main European face-to-face conference for C++ developers, was the natural way to give back to the lively C++ community at large.

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