Contribute your talk to Meeting C++ 2024!

published at 15.05.2024 18:00 by Jens Weller
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Reaching out to speakers and those that like to start speaking! Contribute your talk(s) to Meeting C++ 2024!

Call for Talks for Meeting C++ 2024

With the announcement of Meeting C++ 2024 a few weeks ago, the submission form went live and so the call for talks is running since than. It will close by June 25th. Meeting C++ is looking for a diverse set of talks and speakers! You are very welcome to submit your talk to the conference, even if its your first time speaking! This years conference will be again hybrid, and its a great opportunity to give a talk and start speaking! Maybe you'd like to learn something new about C++ and like to present what you've learned about a feature of the standard, library or methology? And with Meeting Embedded being a part of Meeting C++, embedded talks are especially welcome!

If you are not able to come to Berlin, you still can submit your talk for the prerecorded track. Meeting C++ will feature an online track of prerecorded talks.

Valueing new speakers and diversity

Your talk is welcome and the C++ community values your contribution!

I do want to motivate you to submit if you are not in the common group of folks who usually speak at our conferences in C++. Your contribution is valuable to the C++ community, and it is always good to hear new voices and views on our language and libraries. And speaking offers a unique opportunity that you can contribute to this years conference - online or onsite. As a first step you can join the #include discord if you have any questions about speaking or are looking for feedback on your talk ideas. Also joining Meeting C++ online gives you a first impression how online C++ events feel for you. Meeting C++ online and Meeting C++ 2024 run under the Berlin Code of Conduct.

Meeting C++ has supported diversity efforts for C++ for a long time. Meeting C++ usually supports new speakers with a track of its own in Berlin for a few years now. I'm not sure if we have a full track of space in this year, but with enough submissions this might be the case again. Speakers that don't want or can not travel to the conference can choose to only speak online. The conference will host one track online and 3 tracks in Berlin.

Speaking about C++ - lightning talks about technical speaking

Since 2022 Meeting C++ organizes an event centered around sharing tips on how to prepare and submit talks in the form of lightning talks. Join us on June 6th for this years edition!

The event aims at making speaking more accessible while also sharing ideas that easily can be picked up by experienced speakers too. You are welcome to contribute your idea for this event!  At the moment I can confirm that we'll have lightning talks featuring Kevlin Henney, Diego Rodriguez-Lodsada, Victor Ciura and myself. The event will close with a panel on technical speaking.

There is a playlist of the lightning talks from 2022 and 2023.

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This and other posts on Meeting C++ are enabled by my supporters on patreon!