We welcome Blackberry - our second Gold Sponsor!

published at 17.07.2012 21:36 by Jens Weller
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Yes, we can welcome our second Gold Sponsor for the Event! Its BlackBerry, and I must say this is great news.

Blackberrys history in C++ is not very old, in fact they have been one of the few mobile platforms, where long time no C++ at all was possible. But with their new platform BB10, everything has changed. Blackberry uses now the power of C++ and Qt, so you can do both, write Games with C++ & OpenGL, or use Qt and QML for your App and UI. BB10 is based on QNX, same as the Blackberry Playbook. Blackberry is investing a lot in its developer relations, right now they are touring around the world, hosting Events for developers that want to learn about how to develop for their new platforms.

Infact this all started with one tweet at the C++Now! 2012, where I asked @BlackBerryDev if they had someone able to do a talk about their efforts on Qt & C++ in europe at my usergroup in Düsseldorf. Surprisingly I got shortly after an answer, and since then I've been in contact with Kamel Lajili. His office is a few miles away from Düsseldorf, funny isn't it?

Together with Intel, BlackBerry has been one of the early backers and supporters of this conference. So I am very happy to finally can announce them both as our Gold Sponsors!

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