The call for papers has ended!

published at 09.04.2015 17:12 by Jens Weller
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Yesterday the call for papers ended, and with today I can see the final results. Thanks to everybody who submitted a talk to Meeting C++ 2015! This is awesome, this years program will be a hard pick. 45 Speakers have submitted 48 talks. There are ~21 slots available, plus 5 slots in the 4th track which currently is still reserved for sponsors. Major improvement in this year is that there is a form to submit your talks, which then also makes the importing for me much easier. One click instead of copy & pasting from emails.

The submissions

With 48 Submissions there are 3 talks less submitted then last year, still its more then 2 talks competing for one slot. Best chances have most submissions for the theme track, competition isn't has hard as for the popular and general track. There are many submissions in the field of functional programming, but I don't feel like having a purely functional conference, so the voting will decide which of these talks are getting into the conference.

The voting

This year there is only the online voting, which will begin by tomorrow, if things go as planned... I'll be testing all night, and I think everything is ready. The voting will run for ~10 days until 20th April. Like last year, everybody who has visited one Meeting C++ conference is able to vote, plus those who submitted a talk. Which makes about ~580 people able to vote, I hope that each talk gets at least 40 - 50 votes. The order of the talks is randomized and only the title and the description are visible.

The results

When the voting is over, very quickly the theme and the popular track will be clear, but selecting all talks will take time, I will start publishing the first talks by end of April I guess. This also depends on how fast all speakers react. The submissions are pretty awesome, and of what I can say already: this years Meeting C++ conference will be special!

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