Keynote: "Good C++11 Coding Style"

published at 31.07.2012 18:41 by Jens Weller
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Yes, finally I can announce the topic and the speaker for the keynote. It was not easy to decide, who and what topic should we pic for the keynote?

Also, people have to be willing to do it, and most of the possible Speaker for a keynote don't reside on our continent, so you have to find someone really committed to C++ and our event, as we do this the first time. But we found that special person. I have the honor to announce that Michael Wong is going to be invited to the conference to do the keynote. I talked with Michael about possible topics, one could have been parallel & C++11, but his suggestion was to talk about practice in C++11, how you should code in C++11. In his own words:

Good C++11 Coding Style
What is good C++11 coding style? Although just ratified in late 2011, we already have early implementations to show us the path to good coding style. Indeed, much of C++11 was designed following rules to allow us to to achieve a superior coding style rather than the litter of bad code that was normal in C++98/03. Gone are the casts, macros, pointers, naked new and deletes, complicated control structures, special cases that don't fit generic programming, and deep nesting. This talk will illustrate the design rules we were aiming for in C++11, many of the pitfalls of migrating from C++98/03 to C++11, and how to achieve good code style using C++11's type-rich interfaces, integrated resource management, uniform generic programming and efficient mapping to hardware. In essence, modern C++11 coding style should be noticeably different than C++98 code, even at a glance. This talk will show you what to look for as code begin to migrate towards C++11.

As C++11 is now ready to be used by more and more C++ Programmers with a growing variety of compilers, I think that this is really the perfect topic to open our Conference!

A few words about Michael, as you might ask, who is Michael Wong? He is the canadian representative in the C++ Committee, he has worked for quite a few years on IBMs Compiler team, and is also the chairman of OpenMP. I've met him at ADC++ and in Aspen this year, he is really a nice guy. And has a profound knowledge about C++, C++11, parallelism and how to build a compiler for all of that.

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