Call for Papers for Meeting C++ 2015
published at 03.03.2015 21:35 by Jens Weller
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Earlier today I announced this years Meeting C++ conference, it will be again in Berlin, feature 21+7 Talks and 2 keynotes! Like last year, I'm looking again for 21 talks, each an hour long. The conference will be this year at the 4th and 5th December in Berlin at the Andels Hotel.
Unlike last year, there is a 4th track in this year, which is not chosen over the call for papers. Its primarly meant for Coding Dojos, Lightning talks and some sponsors presenting.
The call for paper starts today and will end at the 5th April. So you must submit your talk until April 5th, earlier is better. I'm looking for a diverse set of talks about C++, talks about Boost, Qt, STL/C++ Standard Library, any libraries, testing, the C++ Language (C++11/14/17/2y) or any other C++ related topic. Please also have a look at the speaker guidelines.
Your submission must include a (meaningful) talk title and a talk description plus a description of yourself which will later be published on the website. Please limit your bio and talk description to 3 paragraphs each. After April 5th there will be a vote on all talks by the program committee, consisting of last years attendees.
This voting will take place in a 10 day period, the members of the program committee will only see your talk title and description, on each talk they will be able to vote between 0 and 5 points. The result of the vote then will give me guidance in which topics and talks should be present at the conference.
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