Call for Papers
published at 12.03.2013 11:23 by Jens Weller
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This years conference has just been announced, and with this, our Call for Papers has started. A few details on this process, I'd like to share, as its a bit different as last years.
After you have submitted your talk, it will be saved in our talkdatabase. Which contains the fields Name, Talktitle, Talkdescription and ID. A small example:
Name | Talktitle | Talkdescription | ID |
Jens | Something about C++ | I will tell you something about C++! | 1 |
Now, at the end of out Call for Papers, our talkdatabase is going to contain many talks. Which are then exportet to a CSV File only containing Talktitle, Talkdescription and ID, plus a field for voting. Each member of the program committee will be able to give on each talk between 0-5 points, where 5 is best. At the end, all votes are going to be combined to the end result, showing which talks are suited best for the conference. Then, this will enable me to create the schedule in June.
So who will be in this committee? Some of last years speakers have already agreed to be a member, some of my local community members from the User Groups are also welcome to join. There will also be some sponsors doing a vote, but mostly the committee will consist of C++ Communitymembers from all areas.
Regarding the topic for talks, there is this year a theme track, so a Talk about UI & C++ (Qt, wxWidgets, OpenGL, Xaml, etc.) might have a better chance to be accepted. Still, I want talks from all areas of C++, so don't hesitate to submit!
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