C++ User Group Meetings - January

published at 09.01.2013 12:45 by Jens Weller
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So, here we are in 2013! And there are some dates already for User Group Meetings, hence a short news entry!

As in the last month, the local C++ User Groups of Berlin and Düsseldorf meet again at the 3rd Tuesday/Wednesday. Next weeks Tuesday will be at the c-base the meeting of the C++ User Group Berlin and they will feature a talk about expression templates and boost::proto. On Wednesday the 16th my local C++ User Group will meet again in Düsseldorf at the chaosdorf, and we'll have a talk about smart pointers.

And not in January, but on the 4th of Febuary, the belgian C++ User Group has their first meeting in 2013, offering two talks about WinRT & C++ and C++ Threading Techniques.

Also the Oslo C++ User Group is planning their first Meeting, but yet there is no date, but you'll find the details here.

More C++ Events you also do find in our event calendar!

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