C++ User Group Meetings in February 2015

published at 02.02.2015 16:15 by Jens Weller
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Again an overview on the upcoming meetings of C++ User Groups. This time, its February again, the shortest, and in a lot of places coldest month of the year. Still, 18 C++ User Groups have already set up a meeting, and some will still announce their plans for February. Also at the end of the month, from the 23 - 27th, the Library Working Group will be meeting in Cologne! Plus, this month will end with the first C++ Conference in Russia: C++ Russia.

There are a few more C++ User Groups in the making, and if you'd like to start your own, then you should attend the Community Planning Session at the 3rd Thursday in February. Once a month we meet at #meetingcpp in freenode to chat about how to get new user groups running, and existing ones rolling...

The Meetings:

Your C++ User Group not in the list? Meetings for this listing should be announced before the month starts to be included, my crawler will find you usually on meetup, or any other ical source.

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