User Group Meetings - April 2013
published at 29.03.2013 16:11 by Jens Weller
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The monthly update about the next User Group Meetings, there are some news about C++ User Groups in Europe!
But first to the meetings, the C++ User Groups in Berlin and Düsseldorf are meeting again in April, Berlin will feature a talk about kdevelop. And in Düsseldorf, we will have a little highlight. Following my series about the Papers for the C++ Committee Meeting in Bristol, we will have a video chat with Michael Wong and maybe some other Committee members!
In March there were some events regarding new C++ User Groups. In Dresden the User Group met for the first time, with 50 people attending. They plan to meet at a regular basis, but yet the next date is not sorted out. Also in Paris the French User Group got on its way at the event "rencontre C++ francophone". One of the French Organizers is Joel Falcou. Also in March I have been contacted by Marco Arena, who leads the efforts of establishing an Italian C++ User Group. There is already a growing C++ Network in Italy. So local C++ User Groups who meet on a regular basis might be soon also in France and Italy available!
If you are interested in founding/organizing a local user group feel free to contact me, I have a very good C++ Network, growing with each week. I will try to give you some hints and support you with Meeting C++!
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