
published at 08.10.2013 10:58 by Jens Weller
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Something new at Meeting C++: There is now a t-shirt shop.

So you can support Meeting C++ by buying a t-shirt (other items might come in the future) in my shop, each sold item will support Meeting C++ with 5€. You even can enter your own short code if you like. To be honest 5 € isn't a lot, but its your chance to provide a little funding to the side, which gives me more time to do things for Meeting C++. I'll add after the conference also books and maybe amazon, so you can support Meeting C++ by buying your C++ Books over my affiliates. What you already can do is booking your hotel over this link, which supports Meeting C++ with 5% of your booking value.

I do have a businessplan for this site, which includes affiliates as a way to give people a chance to support the whole project. My main income (I'm selfemployed) comes through freelancing and training for Qt and C++, and the conference adds a little extra, but only if enough tickets are sold.

And for this years conference: There will be t-shirts again, a bit different this year though...

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