Statistics: September 2013

published at 01.10.2013 17:46 by Jens Weller
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Another month has passed, and this time its the second month in this year having more visitors then 2012 at all. Still, September is only the 2nd best month ever for this project. But again it was the series on future papers for C++ that came so many visitors for...

In the passed month, in total 23314 visitors came to C++. As the visitor graph shows, mainly during the posting of the series about the chicago papers:


In the week when Chicago was already on its way, also the first blog entry from a speaker went live. The Series and the new blog entry from Guntram Berti about his motivations for generic programming brought a lot of visitors to the website. Even with so much traffic, the ticketsales did not go total crazy, so Meeting C++ 2013 still has a few seats available!

The referer chart gives an insight in where some of these visitors came from:


So, the three main referer are, and This is again to related to the series/blog, bringing traffic from and has a banner for Meeting C++, which brings also a lot of C++ folks to the site. Together the 3 top referer make up ~11850 visitors, while twitter is ~800 and ~200. With the RSS is also clearly visible as a traffic source now. Others are around ~1500.

Also, in this time over 35000 banner ads were served, resulting in 229 clicks. So, advertising at Meeting C++ or Sponsoring Meeting C++ 2013 is good way to gain some reach into the C++ Community!

A new record this month was google, with 2874 Searches. But there is a funny thing happening, the searches which hide the search term have become much more, and the number of searches where I'm able to see, what the term was, are getting less. But as I know the landing page, and that the visit is registered as a search, I did build a filter for it, so I can see which blogentries get the most hits:

There are the top5 pages visited through searches. Qt is very strong, and the searches for C++14 are always also through Chicago up again.

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