Statistics: August 2013

published at 02.09.2013 18:25 by Jens Weller
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A short paragraph on the statistics for August. August was a wunderfull month, sunny and warm, I hope you enjoyed it while it lasted :) Still, August was a very successfull month, also the first month with advertising in the form of bannder ads at Meeting C++!

So, while being sunny and warm and some of you on holiday, still 12534 visitors came to the website:


The month began with a blog entry, afair Qt introduction part 3, the spike in the middle is the article about resumable functions, which I just updated with news from the latest paper. The bumb at the end is the blogentry about BlackBerry 10.

I already mentioned the advertising, I don't have any graphs to show for this, as I only use a quite simple software dispalying the ads and counting displays and clicks, with 20438 ads served in August which resulted in 114 clicks in total. You are able to know more about each ad by clicking on it ;)

Lets get to the referers:


So, while reddit stays strongest, is getting closer. A lot closer, actually, brought more visitors to my page then reddit in the week I published the resumable function article. Twitter stays strong, and mobilegeeks is a bit weird. Its still the adblocking article from them that brings a little bit of traffic each day. has currently a banner ad for our conference, plus all the others... And again, google isn't listed, this is just the valid referers, not searches or visitors. From google came a little more then 2100 searches in August.

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