Meeting C++ @ C++Now!

published at 18.02.2013 14:42 by Jens Weller
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Just a quick note, that I will be giving a talk related to Meeting C++ at C++Now 2013 in May!

Together with Jon Kalb I will give a panel about "C++ Community Development", we will both give a short talk about our expierences with C++ Community work, and how you can get started in your local C++ community. But we'll have to sort out the details on that still, so no spoilers here... :) Jon is a boost fellow and an active organizer of the C++ Community in the Bay Area and has been active with C++ Now 2012 already. So I'm looking forward to give this panel with him at C++ Now 2013!

Also I'm looking forward to many of the other great talks to come, and meeting some of you again in Aspen will be great!

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