Meeting C++ at CppCon

published at 20.09.2015 23:30 by Jens Weller
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CppCon is just about to start! Like last year, I attend CppCon and will cover large parts of it over my twitter account meetingcpp! This years CppCon is even more packed then last years, with OpenContent sessions in the lunch breaks and panels and of course lightning talks! With 6 sessions in parallel, even Attendees will only be able to see less then 20% of the content, so good that everything is recorded!

My Talks

I will share 4 different talks with you:

I also will be part of the community panel at 8 am on Tuesday morning.

Looking forward to meet lots of you for the first time!

Some tips

Things I learned last year: the AC in the Convention center can be quite strong, while in other rooms a t-shirt is all you need. There are lots of people at the conference, finding somebody again after meeting for the first time can be very difficult. So build your network and exchange contacts with interesting people, so that you don't have search for them later. is not always reliable through the wifi, have a tab of it open all day, and don't refresh. For speakers: look up your talk in the schedule every day, it might be in a different room, communication of this might not reach you directly (happend to me at C++Now).

And: relax and enjoy the conference!


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