4 years of Meeting C++!

published at 27.06.2016 10:25 by Jens Weller
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Today, 4 years ago, Meeting C++ was announced for the very first time. Since then the conference has grown from 150 Attendees to this years planned size of 600 Attendees. The program of the first conference is still online, some of these speakers became regular guests at Meeting C++. This years Meeting C++ will offer 5 Tracks and it is for the first time going under ground!

I don't have a lot of pictures from the first Meeting C++, so this is me announcing the closing keynote in 2013:


Back then in 2012, C++11 was just the new hot standard that came out the year before and nobody really knew what to expect from ongoing standardization. Thats why I started a C++ User Group in December 2011 and went to C++Now in Aspen, this combination let to the start of Meeting C++. In the same year shortly in front of the Meeting C++ conference, isocpp.org started, and Michael Wong did a short introduction to it at the conference.

But from the beginning I wanted more then a conference, I wanted Meeting C++ to be a platform for C++, as it is today. I gave a talk on founding user groups, and have since then always talked about it at the conference. There are many new user groups that have their roots in the conference. In 2013 my focus shifted also very much to social media, which has grown a lot since then, today the reach of Meeting C++ in its total is over 30k, including xing and youtube.

More Pictures

Eric Nieblers Keynote in 2013 is about to start:


A year later, Meeting C++ is for the first time in Berlin, Scott Meyers giving his last Keynote:


2015, biggest ever Meeting C++ with 450 Guests:


My team has grown since 2012, but many of them are since then part of my staff:


Keynote in 2016: Bjarne Stroustrup!


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