CppCon has been announced!
published at 19.03.2014 16:20 by Jens Weller
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Yesterday great news came to the C++ World: CppCon has been announced! CppCon will be a new C++ Conference, officially organized by isocpp.org and supported by large parts of the C++ World.
CppCon and Meeting C++ share one common root: both have been inspired and partly born at C++Now in Aspen. While I discussed with a few people ideas for Meeting C++ in 2012, last year the discussion was more general if there should be rather a new C++ Conference in the US or if C++Now should move from Aspen. C++Now has its roots in the BoostCon, the conference area in Aspen is perfect, its every year been an awesome week, and I'm looking already forward to May. But there is a problem for C++Now: it can not grow any further, 150 attendees including speakers, and that's it. Last year C++Now was sold out a few weeks before, this year in a few days, even before any program was released. So, the demand clearly shows, that last year the right decision was made: C++Now stays in Aspen, but it was agreed to see if a C++ Conference like PyCon could be achieved for C++. I can't tell you the story what happened after Aspen, but I remember speaking about it with Eric Niebler at Meeting C++ 2013, and he was quite happy to tell me that things were going a long quite good.
Now, yesterday, the full plan of CppCon was announced, it will start on 7th and go until 12th September. 4 full conference days are planned, plus evening activities. There is not yet a lot of details known about this very new C++ Conference, a very interesting discussion on reddit has a few of them.
So a short list of people that I know are involved into CppCon somehow:
- Bjarne Stroustrup (Keynote)
- Jon Kalb (C++Now and one CppCon Organizer afaik)
- Herb Sutter + the GoingNative team
- Chandler Carruth
- Eric Niebler
- Michael Wong
- Jens Weller
- many more (isocpp.org + C++ Committee)
This is already an impressive list, but its far from complete, this conference really has the support of many good people, with the target to make one C++ Conference for the whole C++ Community.
I hope I'll be able to make it to Seattle, there is already the idea of having a community organizer panel, a bit like what Jon Kalb and I presented last year at C++Now. Also I think about submitting my 0xBADC0DE Talk from this years C++Now. So maybe we'll meet in Aspen, Seattle or Berlin this year?
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