C++ User Group Meetings in September 2014
published at 31.08.2014 14:51 by Jens Weller
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The monthly overview over the upcoming C++ User Group Meetings. This time a few new user groups meet, and as summer comes to an end more meetings might get scheduled in the next days. But due to me going to CppCon, I have to post this a bit earlier then usual.
And with CppCon I have to remind you, that I will be speaking with Jon Kalb about founding C++ User Groups at CppCon. Can't attend? The talk will be recorded and I already blogged about founding C++ User Groups last year. So if your area is yet not listed, you could go ahead and try to find a group of people willing to meet.
This has happend also now in a few new places, I welcome the C++ User Group Istanbul, which had their 2nd meeting in late August. Also in my very home area there are upcoming User Groups in Cologne and Bochum. Also new are two C++ User Groups in India (Bangalore and Pune).
C++ User Group Meetings in September
The list of upcoming meetings:
- 3.9 C++ UG London - Cross Platform Games: iOS to Android
- 10.9 C++ UG San Francisco/ Bay area - Presentation and Q&A
- 11.9 C++ UG Dresden
- 15.9 C++ UG NRW/Dortmund
- 16.9 C++ UG Berlin - Lightning talks
- 17.9 C++ UG Düsseldorf - Treffen der C++ User Gruppe NRW
- 17.9 C++ UG Hamburg - Praktische Übersicht über Valgrind
- 17.9 C++ UG Seattle/northwest - Parallelism in the Standard C++: What to Expect in C++ 17
- 20.9 C++ UG Pune, India - C++ and Boost Pune first meetup
- 23.9 C++ UG Chicago - See you in September
- 24.9 C++ UG San Francisco/ Bay area - Workshop and Discussion Group
- 25.9 C++ UG Rhein-Neckar - September Meeting
- 25.9 C++ UG London
- 26.9 C++ UG Istanbul
- 2.10 C++ UG Paris - C++ & Python
So its in total 14 C++ User Groups meetings in September! Plus one in October, as the C++ User Group in Paris is already listed. To be listed here its very important that I know the date in advance, as a new feature I can now import meetings from meetup or any other ical source in my new database. So if your group is on meetup and the meeting is listed a few weeks in advance, you are included in the monthly announcements already!
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