C++ User Group Meetings in June 2017
published at 02.06.2017 15:03 by Jens Weller
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The monthly overview on upcoming C++ User Group meetings! Again, in Summer time, many C++ User Groups meet to share an evening full of C++ with their local community!
There are 1 new C++ User Groups: Florianopolis.
The Meetings
- 6.6 C++ UG Munich - "Effective CMake" und "Effective dependency management with CMake
- 6.6 C++ UG C++ Italy - The Future of Programming con Bartosz Milewski
- 7.6 C++ UG London - C++ Does Countdown (Workshop) and Grepping Text using an LALR(1)
- 7.6 C++ UG Bay area - Berkeley: A new Unicode aware string class for C++
- 7.6 C++ UG Portland - PDXCPP - Monthly Meetup
- 7.6 C++ UG Austin - Austin C⚡C++ Lightning Talks
- 8.6 C++ UG Dresden - Coding Dojo OOP
- 9.6 C++ UG Cary, NC - June TCDG Lunch at Town Hall Burger in Durham!
- 12.6 C++ UG Edinburgh - Mini C++ Edinburgh
- 12.6 C++ UG Hannover - Object-Oriented GPGPU Programming with goopax
- 13.6 C++ UG Melbourne - New C++11 / C++14 Features
- 13.6 C++ UG Boston - Lightning Talks at NuoDB
- 13.6 C++ UG Graz (Qt) - Functional Reactive Programming with Sodium and Qt
- 13.6 C++ UG Zentralschweiz - Coding Dojo
- 13.6 C++ UG Paris - C++FRUG #18 - Majeur et vacciné
- 14.6 C++ UG Utah - Regular Monthly Meeting
- 14.6 C++ UG Warsaw - C++ Atomic - low level perspective
- 14.6 C++ UG Paris (llvm) - LLVM\, Clang\, lldb\, lld\, Polly meetup
- 14.6 C++ UG Bay area - Mountain View: Macro-free stackless coroutines in C++14
- 14.6 C++ UG Irvine (Qt) - Debugging Qt/QML
- 14.6 C++ UG Karlsruhe - 6. Info-Treff: C++ World Café mit Jason Turner\, Robert Ramey
- 15.6 C++ UG Amsterdam - The hidden rules of world-class C++ code & Cryptocurrencies!
- 17.6 C++ UG C++ Italy - Italian C++ Conference 2017
- 19.6 C++ UG Stockholm - Qt Sweden C++ summer fest
- 19.6 C++ UG Austin - North Austin Monthly C/C++ Pub Social
- 20.6 C++ UG Minneapolis - First Meeting
- 20.6 C++ UG Chicago - C++17: A better\, richer C++14
- 21.6 C++ UG Bay area - San Francisco: Arithmetic Types Are > Than The + Of Their Parts
- 21.6 C++ UG Düsseldorf - What boost & Qt could...
- 21.6 C++ UG Seattle - Understanding Compiler Optimization
- 22.6 C++ UG Karlsruhe - 6. Stammtisch
- 22.6 C++ UG Stuttgart / Ludwigsburg (Qt) - Qt Meetup
- 27.6 C++ UG Montréal - C++ Montréal
- 27.6 C++ UG Luxembourg - Monthly Meetup
- 27.6 C++ UG Sofia - C++ User Group Sofia Meeting 17
- 27.6 C++ UG C++ Italy - Coding Gym Giugno / Modena
- 28.6 C++ UG Bay area - Palo Alto: Workshop and Discussion Group
- 29.6 C++ UG Bremen - C++ User Group - Boost.Graph
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