C++ User Group Meetings in June 2014
published at 10.06.2014 16:46 by Jens Weller
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Again, in June a lot of User Groups are meeting. Some user groups take a break in Summer, others schedule their first Meetings.
For the first time there is a User Group Meeting in Italy, in Milano. Maybe a local C++ User Group starts to organize regular Meetings in Milano? Also the russian User Group is meeting again in St. Petersburg and there is a meeting of the Dutch User Group in Amsterdam. Still, in Germany seems to be the most activity with C++ User Groups, 5 out of 8 Meetings in Europe are in Germany!
The Meetings
- 11.6 C++ UG San Francisco/Bayarea - "Good enough" is good enough! by Alex Martelli
- 12.6 C++ UG Dresden - Uniforme Initialisierung
- 12.6 C++ UG Dutch/Amsterdam - Concurrency in C++11
- 17.6 C++ UG Berlin - Template Metaprogramming for numerical problems
- 18.6 C++ UG NRW/Düsseldorf - Drawing with Cairo
- 18.6 C++ UG Northwest/Seattle - High Reliability Systems
- 21.6 C++ UG Russia/St. Petersburg
- 25.6 C++ UG Hamburg - Code Dojo
- 26.6 C++ UG Munich - boost.asynchronous
- 28.6 C++ UG Italy/Milano
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