Announcing the keynotes for Meeting C++ 2014
published at 12.04.2014 15:45 by Jens Weller
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This years Meeting C++ conference will feature again like last year an opening and closing keynote. I'd like to thank Eric Niebler and Tony van Eerd for last years great keynotes. So, as they raised the bar a little, it wasn't easy to pick the right person for each keynote.
Closing keynote
What made my job a little easier was the fact, that I had very quickly found the speaker for the closing keynote. The closing keynote should feature a person that is somehow connected to the theme track, that's why Tony van Eerd spoke about UI at its keynote last year. So, before I knew the date, I knew the theme track would most likely be "Scientific programming with C++".
The closing keynote will be given by Hartmut Kaiser, who is known for boost::spirit and boost::wave, and is also the author of HPX (High Performance ParalleX). HPX is a runtime system for parallel and distributed applications of any scale, it can be used to enhance the multithreading capabilities of your application and also fits very well into HPC environments. HPX is available for Linux, Windows, Android, BlueGene and Xeon Phi. Hartmuts team has reimplemented parts of the C++ Standard in order to ensure thread safety and enable certain features of the ParalleX execution model. He is a very experienced speaker on C++ and parallelism topics, I'm looking forward to this final highlight of this years conference!
Opening keynote
Finding the right person for the opening keynote was a little harder. There are a few names which I usually hear, and the most frequent ones are Bjarne Stroustrup and Herb Sutter. It would be an honor to have them at the conference, but both are busy for this years date, so I hope we're able to welcome them at a future Meeting C++ conference. I had to do a little thinking, who could give a good and effective keynote at Meeting C++ about modern C++11/14? After all this is the year when C++14 will become an ISO Standard, but it's also already available in LLVM/clang...
This years opening keynote will be held by Scott Meyers! You can see on his blog, that he has been very busy thinking about effective C++11 and C++14, how one should use those new standards. Scott has been working on his new book "Effective Modern C++" for some time now, he has shared some thoughts and examples of his work on his blog lately. I am looking forward to listen to Scotts thoughts on Modern C++ and the new and coming C++ standards!
A hint for the german audience: both keynote speakers do also understand and speak german, I was a little surprised as I received a german answer to my first mail to Scott...
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