And the first Sponsor is...

published at 04.04.2016 18:18 by Jens Weller
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It is always interesting to see, which company is the first sponsor of the Meeting C++ conference. While for a lot of sponsors the decision is easy, often it includes some internal processes that aren't that fast. Plus that some people might still be just arriving from their easter holiday today just to see Meeting C++ 2016 announced.

But for my friends at JetBrains, it was clear, that they want to be on board again this year. So I have the honor to announce JetBrains to be the first Gold Sponsor for Meeting C++ 2016!


JetBrains offers a few Developer Tools for C++:

Just like last year, JebBrains is again at the conference with a booth where you can ask all your C++ tool questions!

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