Voting results and the top 10 Talks for Meeting C++ 2021

published at 05.08.2021 14:42 by Jens Weller
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The Meeting C++ hive mind has spoken, and given the feedback of the C++ community to the submissions of Meeting C++ 2021.

Like in the previous years, one could vote from 0-5 for each talk and leave a comment if you'd like on each talk. The talks are randomized in Order, and not every voting session has finished the full stack of talks to vote on. The result below is then achieved by weighing the votes from 0-5 as {-3,-2,-1,1,3,4}, this gives the talks that folks want to see a bit of an edge, while the negative numbers help to keep the range of the end result a bit closer. Having bought a ticket before the voting starts does give you a higher voting weight, as you'll be attending the conference.

The result graph for this years voting:


There is a leading group of talks which are very popular, followed by lots of talks which are rather close in their voting results. Due to the weights of the voting, some talks do have negative results in the graph.

Top 10 talks for Meeting C++ 2021

These are the talks which got the best results through the voting:

These talks are now formally accepted to Meeting C++ 2021. I'll choose more talks from the submissions in the comming week, though also have to look into how many tracks Meeting C++ can host in the online world with staff and volunteers.

I plan to release the list of talks until the end of August.

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