The voting on the talks for Meeting C++ 2024 starts soon

published at 02.07.2024 14:03 by Jens Weller
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With today the submission deadline for Meeting C++ 2024 is closing. Thank you for the 102 submissions so far!

I'll give speakers some time to review their talks before we go into the voting, which will start once everything is ready. So roughly next week.

A unique feature of Meeting C++ is that during the voting the votes of actual attendees of that year have their votes count more then the regular other votes. So getting a ticket this week can make a big difference for you in supporting the talks you'd like to see at the conference.

This years submissions are a wild mix of new and regular speakers plus a few former keynote speakers and/or C++ committee members wanting to come by while on their way to the committee meeting in Wroclaw the week after. The voting will provide guidance in which talks should make it to the conference. There are a few committee members who never have been at Meeting C++, plus many of those that have been regular speakers at Meeting C++. Every onsite slot has 3 talks competing*.

Speakers have the chance to speak online if their talk does not get placed in an onsite slot. There are already a handful of submissions for the online track, which are likely going to be accepted.#

*with some speakers submitting more then one talk, this is more 2.5 talks for one slot. Still this year has tough competition. And the final deadline for submissions is today at midnight CEST.


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