The famous C++ Quiz returns to Meeting C++

published at 25.10.2023 11:58 by Jens Weller
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An announcement for the onsite attendees of Meeting C++ 2023: The Quiz is back!

Diego Rodriguez-Losada from JFrog is joining us at the conference to not only give a talk on CMake and Conan: past, present and future but is also organizing his C++ Quiz on Monday evening. Thanks to Diego and JFrog for making again this great contribution to the Meeting C++ program. The quiz will go from 20:00 to 22:00 and happens in the main room. This years evening program will not be streamed online.

About the Quiz

In 2019 we've had the last Quiz at Meeting C++, which was a long running and popular part of the evening program. The quiz consists of multiple code riddles which you solve in a team, at the end the winning team wins a prize. 

Pictures of the Quiz from 2018:

quiz image
quiz image
quiz image


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