The Meeting C++ online job fair is two weeks away

published at 12.09.2023 20:50 by Jens Weller
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Reaching out to the C++ community for the next Meeting C++ online job fair in two weeks. And also a hint that tomorrow Meeting C++ online hosts Kevlin Henney.

Looking for employers

According to recent surveys I've run on Twitter and LinkedIn about 50-55% of folks work for a hiring employer. So please forward this to your HR folks. The survey showed also that less folks work for companies that let folks go, though I assume that is because either leaving for new positions or being set free.

As of this week we don't have any companies listed that are hiring on Meeting C++. I'd like to have a few employers be sponsors of the upcoming event. There is a lot of interest as last weeks talk on hiring with Meeting C++ showed. So for hiring companies the job fair should give a great opportunity to get to know the C++ community and receive many applications from all over the world.

If you have open positions, please share them with Meeting C++!

If you are looking for a C++ job

I've seen many folks commenting on this. I'd like to say that for the current time, I do not have any hiring employer to work with. Thats why I don't link the CV Upload form, as its currently empty. I'm working on a change to make your profile/CV visible for 6 months on your choice, but that is not live yet. So for now, Meeting C++ can't help you with finding a new C++ job unfortunately.


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