Meeting C++ and beyond

published at 08.08.2012 09:33 by Jens Weller
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So, the plan for this years Meeting C++ is finalized. One more week left for buying an early bird ticket. Due to the holiday season, there weren't sold as much tickets yet, as I hoped for. Depending on the sales till next week, we might extend the early bird tickets. Or simply sell a limited quota of them. In total there are about 100 tickets left. First plans for 2013 also exist, but its to early to go into the details yet. Regarding this years Meeting C++, we are looking forward to meet you at the conference!

Today is also the last day of C++ and Beyond. A great Event with heavy C++ Focus, organized by Herb Sutter, Scott Meyers and Andrei Alexandrescu. Limited to 120 Attendees, and in a exclusive location, this event offers pure C++ Knowledge from 3 C++ Titans. This years focus is on C++11 and Modern C++ techniques. So, while Meeting C++ tries to broaden the focus on C++ and its uses, C++ and Beyond does the opposite. But while you could compare C++Now! and Meeting C++, you couldn't do this with C++ and Beyond, it has a whole different concept. The setting and the exclusiveness is unique.

Events like C++ and Beyond, Going Native, ADC++ and C++Now! made me think about doing my own event in Europe. There was a certain lack of technical Events for C++ in Europe. For now we have 3 C++ Events in Europe, which could change this together:

All 3 Events focus in C++, but do this in a slightly different way, so that they can all coexist. So regarding conferences, C++ has a great future in Europe!

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