Looking for employers for the Meeting C++ online job fair in March!

published at 14.02.2023 14:45 by Jens Weller
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Thats right, the next online job fair is just one month away! On March 14th & 15th Meeting C++ offers again employers the chance to meetup with candidates online!

This spring is a great hiring opportunity for those companies that hire developers at the moment! As lots of talent is now available and looking for new opportunities! While this has been bad news for the devs in this situation, its also an opportunity for those companies hiring right now. I'd like to bring both sides together online at the job fair. So that candidates know who is hiring and are able to come by and have a chat with hiring companies if possible.

I've decided to stick with the date that has prooven well in the last two years. The event will begin with a short welcome message, kicking off the event and explaining the setting. This will also be live streamed to LinkedIn, reaching into another audience for the event. This welcome message may include some introductions from employers, depending if folks are willing to be on stream.

The experience from last year is that signing up early gives the best results for you and lets Meeting C++ advertise the event better. You'll be listed for 6 month on the CV Upload form also, beginning with the date you signed up. This also includes the next job fair then for listing. This mechanism makes sure that you get a good share of candidates from the events. Last year 256 candidates from 57 countries shared their CVs through this form!


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