July update on COVID-19 and Meeting C++ 2020
published at 22.07.2020 15:19 by Jens Weller
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This is the July update for how the plans for Meeting C++ 2020 are evolving in this ongoing pandemic. One thing you can do until the weekend, is to start voting on the talks for Meeting C++2020!
As I explained in the last update, Meeting C++ 2020 likely will be a hybrid event with an onsite conference and an online component. This has not changed, but I made some progress on how this will go down operationally. For the moment I can't tell what size the onsite event will be, it could be anything from 0 - 200. Thats why I decided not to sell tickets for now, as overselling would mean to pay the payment processing, and with potentially many transactions this could add even more costs to a very difficult year for conferences. So if you are interested to attend in Berlin and receive a ticket, please register for the waitinglist, that way I will be able to contact you once tickets are available. These tickets likely also will include the hotel room at the Hotel.
For the moment I've decided to focus on planning and organizing the part of the event that will happen: the online version of Meeting C++ 2020. I will start experimenting with online formats for this in the Meeting C++ online User Group. More on this in August, then also the online tickets for this years Meeting C++ 2020 conference should be available.
In general the COVID-19 situtation has not changed much since June for Europe, but I do get the impression that more and more folks have lost a bit too much respect for this disease. So a second wave in Fall (or already through the holiday season) is still something to take very serious for planning events in 2020 and likely also 2021.
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