C++ User Group meetings in March 2018
published at 01.03.2018 15:59 by Jens Weller
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The monthly overview on upcoming meetings of C++ User Groups world wide!
This month features the second distributed meetup of C++ User groups with London, Stockholm and Berlin sharing a meeting. Read Phil Nashs report on the first distributed meeting.
The Meetings
- 1.3 C++ UG Denver - Merging C++ and Python
- 1.3 C++ UG Bay area (llvm) - LLVM's bay-area monthly social gathering.
- 2.3 C++ UG Zürich - Why Iterators Got It All Wrong — and what we should use instead
- 2.3 C++ UG Paris - C++ FRUG #23 - March is the new February
- 5.3 C++ UG Dublin - March C/C++ Meetup
- 6.3 C++ UG Cary, NC - Xan Gregg (SAS) on C++ for programming competitions
- 7.3 C++ UG Boston - Boston C++ at CIC Boston
- 7.3 C++ UG Warsaw - Fuzzing: automatyczne znajdowanie błędów w kodzie C/C++ przy użyc
- 7.3 C++ UG Barcelona - Effective Unit Testing with Catch
- 7.3 C++ UG Bay area - Palo Alto: Return Value Optimization Is Harder Than It Looks
- 7.3 C++ UG Nashua, NH - Applied CMake - Develop a working understanding in a multi-projec
- 8.3 C++ UG Ruhrgebiet - User-Group 3-2018: emBO++ Pre-Event with Lightning-Talks
- 8.3 C++ UG Lissabon - std::encontro\;
- 12.3 C++ UG C++ Italy - Coding Gym Marzo / Milano
- 13.3 C++ UG Melbourne - Software Design Patterns with C++
- 14.3 C++ UG Haifa - Software Optimizations Become Simple with Top-down Microarch. Ana
- 14.3 C++ UG Utah - Network and Internet Based Applications with POCO
- 14.3 C++ UG Austin (Mentoring & Study Group) - In-Person||Online Q&A Modern C++ Mentoring and Study Group-2nd We
- 14.3 C++ UG Amsterdam - Seeking Simplicity
- 14.3 C++ UG Karlsruhe - Auto-Vectorization (Vortrag von Felix Kutzner)
- 15.3 C++ UG Core C++, Israel - SIMD\, std::variant and More!
- 15.3 C++ UG St. Petersburg - LLVM как инфраструктура для построения компилятора
- 15.3 C++ UG C++ Italy - Meetup Marzo / Modena
- 19.3 C++ UG Austin - North Austin Monthly C/C++ Pub Social
- 19.3 C++ UG Hannover - Meltdown und C++ bei Cyberus Technology (Jacek)
- 20.3 C++ UG Graz (Qt) - C++ Unit Test Frameworks
- 20.3 C++ UG Portland - PDXCPP - Monthly Meetup
- 21.3 C++ UG Montréal - C++ Montréal
- 21.3 C++ UG Austin (Mentoring & Study Group) - Qt QML Quick In-Person||Online Q&A C++ Mentoring & Study Group-3
- 21.3 C++ UG Bay area - San Francisco: Dealing with Application Crashes
- 21.3 C++ UG Düsseldorf - Vektorisierung mit SSE / AVX
- 22.3 C++ UG Karlsruhe - Stammtisch bei Clausmark
- 27.3 C++ UG Paris (llvm) - LLVM\, Clang\, lldb\, lld\, Polly meetup
- 27.3 C++ UG Sofia - C++ User Group Sofia Meeting 26
- 28.3 C++ UG Stockholm - The Distributed C++ Meet-up { Berlin\, London\, Stockholm }
- 28.3 C++ UG Berlin - The Distributed C++ Meet-up { Berlin\, London\, Stockholm }
- 28.3 C++ UG London - The Distributed C++ Meet-up { Berlin\, London\, Stockholm }
- 29.3 C++ UG Munich - Lightning Talks
- 29.3 C++ UG Bremen - Debugger Customizations
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