C++ User Group Meetings in October 2019
published at 01.10.2019 11:56 by Jens Weller
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The monthly listing about upcoming C++ User Group meetings. I gave a talk about running and starting a C++ User Group, which will be soon available on YouTube! In the meanwhile, the User Group section is still up to date!
There are 3 new C++ User Groups: Boulder, Maryland, Pittsburgh.
The Meetings
- 2.10 C++ UG Denver - The Construction and Use of C++ Algorithms
- 3.10 C++ UG Bay area (llvm) - LLVM's bay-area monthly social gathering.
- 3.10 C++ UG Moscow - С++ Meetup Moscow #2
- 7.10 C++ UG Seattle - Coffee and Code
- 7.10 C++ UG London - October meet-up
- 8.10 C++ UG Melbourne - October C++ Meetup - Basics of CUDA and C++
- 9.10 C++ UG Linköping - CppCon 2019 - trip report
- 9.10 C++ UG Amsterdam - Semi-virtual Meetup about MongoDB / modern C++17 [Location Needed
- 9.10 C++ UG Utah - Back to the Hangman: Mob Programming + 5 Year Anniverary Party
- 9.10 C++ UG Barcelona - MongoDB: A NoSQL modern database written in modern C++17
- 9.10 C++ UG Boston - CppCon2019 Retrospective (hosted at CIC Cambridge — 101 Main St.)
- 9.10 C++ UG Munich (Qt) - Let's meetup and talk about Qt / QML
- 9.10 C++ UG Austin (Mentoring & Study Group) - [C++17, in-person] (Beginner, Advanced) {Q&A Mentoring & Study
- 9.10 C++ UG Bay area - SYCL: a programming standard for heterogeneous computing based on
- 9.10 C++ UG Karlsruhe - Modules in C++20 (English presentation by Daniel Schmidt)
- 10.10 C++ UG Belfast - C++ Pre-WG21 Meetup
- 10.10 C++ UG Aachen - C++ User Meeting Aachen
- 10.10 C++ UG Dresden - Talk: Andreas Weis "Taming dynamic memory"
- 10.10 C++ UG C++ Italy - Meetup Ottobre / Modena - Cos'è Unreal Engine 4 e perché dovrebbe incuriosirti
- 14.10 C++ UG Edinburgh - C++ Edinburgh
- 14.10 C++ UG Seattle - Coffee and Code
- 14.10 C++ UG Hannover - Treffen der C++ User Group Hannover (Thema noch offen)
- 14.10 C++ UG Sofia - Viktor Kirilov - The architecture of a modern SQL engine written
- 15.10 C++ UG San Diego - 8th C++ group meetup - 10-15-2019
- 15.10 C++ UG Cracow - Generators: introduction to the C++20 synchronous coroutines.
- 15.10 C++ UG Portland - PDXCPP - Monthly Meetup
- 16.10 C++ UG Stockholm (LLVM) - Keeping code clean with clang-based tools
- 16.10 C++ UG Düsseldorf - Oktober - Mathematica Konzepte in C++
- 17.10 C++ UG Berlin - Syncing files and asynchronous workflows
- 17.10 C++ UG St. Petersburg - Наш Пакетный Менеджер в Другом Замке
- 21.10 C++ UG Seattle - Coffee and Code
- 22.10 C++ UG Juce - London Audio Developers Meetup: Designing embodied HCIs with audi
- 23.10 C++ UG Copenhagen - C/C++ Meetup 0x03 - revive
- 23.10 C++ UG Austin (Mentoring & Study Group) - [C++17, in-person] (Beginner, Advanced) {Q&A Mentoring & Study
- 23.10 C++ UG Bay area - Algorithm Intuition II
- 24.10 C++ UG Karlsruhe - Stammtisch (gemeinsam mit der Functional Programmers UG KA)
- 24.10 C++ UG Munich - Modules - The Beginner's Guide
- 28.10 C++ UG Seattle - Coffee and Code
- 28.10 C++ UG Bremen - C++ User Group
- 29.10 C++ UG Toronto - Kate Gregory "Simplicity: Not Just For Beginners"
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