C++ User Group Meetings in December 2018
published at 03.12.2018 09:35 by Jens Weller
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The monthly overview about which User Groups meet in this month. Want to start your own C++ User Group? Get started in the Meeting C++ User Group section!
There are 2 new C++ User Groups: Sophia-Antipolis, Seattle.
The Meetings
- 3.12 C++ UG Dublin - December C/C++ Meetup
- 4.12 C++ UG St. Petersburg - Совместная встреча с РГ21 C++: последние новости комитета и модул
- 4.12 C++ UG Bristol - Careless WISPa - Bill Buchan
- 4.12 C++ UG Bay area - C++ SF Bay Area Uni - Initial C++ Lesson 2
- 5.12 C++ UG Warsaw - C++ Lightning talks
- 5.12 C++ UG Bay area - San Francisco: Optimizing zlib on Arm: The power of NEON
- 6.12 C++ UG Berlin (Qt) - Qt World Summit 2018
- 6.12 C++ UG Göteborg - Architecture and challenges writing a game engine from scratch fo
- 6.12 C++ UG Sydney - C++ Meetup, Christmas Edition
- 6.12 C++ UG Denver - Lightning Talks! Bring your 5 to 10 minute talk!
- 6.12 C++ UG London - Algorithms: parallel and merge
- 6.12 C++ UG Bay area (llvm) - LLVM's bay-area monthly social gathering.
- 10.12 C++ UG Juce - London Audio Developers meet up
- 10.12 C++ UG Edinburgh - C++ Edinburgh
- 10.12 C++ UG Hannover - Scientific Computation with C++
- 10.12 C++ UG Sofia - João Pataca Oliveira - Practical Procedural Animation
- 11.12 C++ UG Stockholm - Xmas 18u: delegates && static analysis && the Xmas coding dojo
- 11.12 C++ UG Melbourne - December C++ Meetup
- 11.12 C++ UG Chicago - Committee Chat
- 11.12 C++ UG Boston - TBA (hosted at CIC Cambridge — 101 Main St.)
- 11.12 C++ UG Zentralschweiz - Test Driven Development or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Lo
- 11.12 C++ UG Bay area - C++ SF Bay Area Uni - Module 1: Initial C++ - Lesson 3
- 12.12 C++ UG Utah - How to build a JIT compiler in C++ with LLVM
- 12.12 C++ UG Barcelona - Tutorial C++: Move semantics in Depth
- 12.12 C++ UG Munich - Option(al) Is Not A Failure
- 12.12 C++ UG Karlsruhe - Fuzzing in C++ (Vortrag von Birk Kauer)
- 13.12 C++ UG Montréal - L'adaptation d'Antidote pour le Web (1/n)
- 13.12 C++ UG Bremen - C++ Pub Quiz
- 13.12 C++ UG Dresden - Christmas Launch Meeting 2018
- 13.12 C++ UG C++ Italy - Meetup Dicembre / Modena - Google Benchmark
- 15.12 C++ UG Barcelona - Coding-gym.org starts in Barcelona
- 17.12 C++ UG Austin - North Austin Monthly C/C++ Pub Social
- 18.12 C++ UG Las Vegas - Winter Meeting
- 18.12 C++ UG Portland - PDXCPP - Monthly Meetup
- 18.12 C++ UG Bay area - C++ SF Bay Area Uni - Start learning C++
- 19.12 C++ UG Düsseldorf - Weihnachtsfeier der C++ User Gruppe Düsseldorf
- 20.12 C++ UG Karlsruhe - Xmas-Stammtisch (gemeinsam mit der Functional Programmers UG KA)
- 20.12 C++ UG Ruhrgebiet - User-Group 12-2018:
- 25.12 C++ UG Bay area - C++ SF Bay Area Uni - Start learning C++
- 27.12 C++ UG Moscow - C++ Drink Up
- 31.12 C++ UG Madrid - Taller: C++ en producción
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