C++ User Group Meetings in August 2019
published at 02.08.2019 13:10 by Jens Weller
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The monthly listing of User Group meetings for C++. I've decided to list the beginning of the next month too, as I often miss the first days of a month when posting this.
I'll be speaking about starting and running C++ User Groups at CppCon, lots of details about this you'll find in the User Group page of Meeting C++.
There are 2 new C++ User Groups: Madison (Qt), Linz(Qt).
The Meetings
- 5.8 C++ UG Seattle - Coffee and Code
- 5.8 C++ UG London - Teaching more maths to C++
- 6.8 C++ UG Cary, NC - Phillip Ratzloff: "Graph Data Structures"
- 6.8 C++ UG Irvine (Qt) - Qt for Python
- 7.8 C++ UG Austin - What's Coming in C++ 20
- 7.8 C++ UG Bay area - San Francisco: C++20 Mini-Cologne Trip Report
- 8.8 C++ UG Dresden - Talk: Benjamin Nothdurft "What is Software Craft(smanship)?"
- 12.8 C++ UG Edinburgh - C++ Edinburgh
- 12.8 C++ UG Seattle - Coffee and Code
- 13.8 C++ UG Melbourne - Rust for C++ Programmers (more details TBC)
- 13.8 C++ UG Montréal - La place des gestionnaires de paquets dans CMake
- 13.8 C++ UG San Diego - 6th C++ group meetup - 8-13-2019
- 13.8 C++ UG Chicago - Moving Beyond "std::cout"
- 14.8 C++ UG Linköping - Välkommen tillbaka!
- 14.8 C++ UG Saint Louis - EOS Blockchain
- 14.8 C++ UG Utah - Summer of std: General Utilities
- 14.8 C++ UG Bay area - Santa Clara: C++20 Cologne Trip Report
- 14.8 C++ UG Karlsruhe - Odyssee von C nach C++ (Ein Reisebericht von Max Bruckner)
- 15.8 C++ UG Ruhrgebiet - The Meson Build-System
- 19.8 C++ UG Seattle - Coffee and Code
- 19.8 C++ UG Hannover - Treffen der C++ User Group Hannover (Thema noch offen)
- 20.8 C++ UG Berlin - A standard audio API for C++
- 20.8 C++ UG Portland - PDXCPP - Monthly Meetup
- 21.8 C++ UG Boston - TBA (hosted at CIC Cambridge — 101 Main St.)
- 21.8 C++ UG Bristol - ACCU Summer Social
- 21.8 C++ UG Hamburg - N.N.
- 21.8 C++ UG Düsseldorf - Treffen der C++ User Gruppe Düsseldorf
- 22.8 C++ UG Karlsruhe - Stammtisch (gemeinsam mit der Functional Programmers UG KA)
- 22.8 C++ UG Munich - Back to Basics: Move Semantics
- 22.8 C++ UG Moscow - C++ Drink Up Moscow
- 24.8 C++ UG St. Petersburg - Сообщество С++ на фестивале TechTrain
- 26.8 C++ UG Seattle - Coffee and Code
- 26.8 C++ UG Bremen - C++ User Group
- 28.8 C++ UG Belfast - TBC: Belfast C++ Landscape & Lightning Talks
- 28.8 C++ UG Berlin (LLVM) - LLVM Social #18
- 29.8 C++ UG Stockholm - 0x18: DRY in C++ && STL in videogames
- 2.9 C++ UG Seattle - Coffee and Code
- 3.9 C++ UG Oslo - Jason Turner: Best Practices LIVE
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