Call for a more diverse program at Meeting C++ 2018!
published at 05.06.2018 09:54 by Jens Weller
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Last years track for new speakers was a great success, so Meeting C++ will dedicate a track to this now in every year. So I'd like to reach out to the C++ Community, who do you think has something interesting to say about C++ and could start speaking at this years Meeting C++?
Diversity of topics
This is something which is really important to me. How can the program cover as much aspects as possible about C++? Not just standard C++, the newest proposals and a few talks on concurrency? Also I'd like to hear new and different voices and opinions on C++. We have a very welcoming speaking community in C++, so if you'd like to submit your first talk to Meeting C++ this year, you'll find help
- in #speakerscorner / #meetingcpp in the CppSlack
- in the speaking channel at the #include<C++> discord
- in the speaking guidelines for Meeting C++
All ideas and topics are welcome, but some ideas about talks which would be very good: Overviews on libraries or tools, which help other programmers getting started. Introducing a library, paper or new C++ feature to a wider audience. Talks on tools and/or processes, teaching, learning. Want to speak about something in embedded? Think about submitting to Meeting Embedded!
The submission deadline has been extended by one week to June 17th, as in this week the C++ Committee is meeting in Zürich. So submit your talk idea to Meeting C++ 2018! Meeting C++ covers the hotel for speakers from Wednesday to Sunday at the Vienna House Andel's Berlin, one of Berlins best hotels, you'll be able to join the speakers dinner at the second day of Meeting C++!
The selection from the submitted talks will be - like in the last years - done through a voting by this years and former attendees and speakers of Meeting C++. Only former speakers and my staff will see the name and bio of the speaker, for the rest the focus is on the submitted talk.
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