Announcing the student and support tickets for Meeting C++ 2018

published at 04.07.2018 16:10 by Jens Weller
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The programs for attending Meeting C++ with through a free ticket are back! You can now register for a Student and/or Support ticket. 

Also, additionally the application form for the volunteer program is open. Since many years Meeting C++ gives away 50 tickets, for the last years it has been a split 1:1 between students and folks that other wise couldn't make it to the conference. Both programs draw the ticket winners from pool of registrations. New in this year, you need to create a Meeting C++ account, in order to take part in this program. Volunteers will have a use of this account during the conference, and I am thinking of ways to make it also useful for attendees and the more general online Meeting C++ audience.

It is quite unique to offer 50 free tickets for a conference like Meeting C++ 2018. Mainly its supported through the sponsoring of the conference, so if you'd like to support this, think about asking your employer to become a sponsor of Meeting C++ 2018 or being listed on Meeting C++ as a C++ Employer.


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