Announcing a content partnership with Manning!

published at 31.03.2023 15:38 by Jens Weller
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A while ago Manning Publications approached Meeting C++ for a content partnership. This was followed by some interesting conversations about books and other C++ content with them.

So today, I want to announce this partnership, which includes Meeting C++ joining the affiliate program of Manning. More will follow, like Manning authors joining the book & tool fair and what other opportunities the future holds.

And to start our partnership, Manning has given me the discount code for 35% on all products: blmeetc++23, which you can use via this link.

As part of this I've been also looking at their C++ content. There is 4 books and 1 other project/online offers I'd like to point out to you for C++:

These are also running as banner ads on Meeting C++ now and 3 of the books have been listed on Meeting C++ by the authors. With the affiliate links you can now support Meeting C++ by getting a book or C++20 course from Manning!

And these banner ads give us a first view on the current popularity with their clicks:


The columns are Banner ad picture, views, max views, clicks/CTR. Banners have been up 12 / 10 days. Thats in the difference in views visible.

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