Announcing Meeting C++ 2024
published at 11.04.2024 15:34 by Jens Weller
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This years conference will be held on the 14th - 16th November in Berlin and online!
This year marks our 10 year anniversary in Berlin! Ten years ago in 2014, Meeting C++ moved from Düsseldorf to Berlin, and Scott Meyers gave a great opening keynote. A lot has happend in C++ land since than. But like 10 years ago, C++ is about to unfold the potential of a new standard: C++23 and the age of contemporary C++.
With this years conference we are back to the regular Thusday - Saturday schedule. The conference will be special as the C++ committee will hold its fall meeting the week later in Poland. Some committee members will likely choose to travel through Berlin and warm up with the latest ideas for C++ before going into the week long session of the ISO C++ meeting.
Keynotes at Meeting C++ 2024

Titus Winters

Hana Dusíková

Herb Sutter

Peter Sommerlad
With the committee Meeting being so close to the conference not only in time but also in space, the ISO C++ committee was one of the inspirations for this years keynote speakers.
The ticket shop should become available next week, with the goal to keep the prices similar to last year where possible. I'd like to offer a cheaper online ticket at the beginning to give more folks the chance to join us online during the conference, and watch the recorded videos after.
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